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Personal Growth Strategy

How My Impossible Wish of A 4-Day Workweek Came True

Impossible wish can turn into reality

Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

In early 2020, I found a very interesting YouTube video by Tony Robbins.

Well, it was more of a workshop.

By the end of it, we set up 9 goals for ourselves. We decided what we wanted for our personal development, material things, and finances.

Even though Tony kept saying that by truly wanting something, we increase the chances of that happening. I never fully believed that.

Because my goals were —

  • Getting rid of my student loan within 2 years. By then, I only finished 22% of it in almost 3 years.
  • Creating a workplace in our house that can be a safe haven for my writing & work. It was possible but expensive.
  • Going to work for only four days a week! I hated the commute & found spending time in the office unnecessary.

The last one seemed totally impossible. I was working for a healthcare startup then. The work pressure was so much that I could hardly think of taking a day off.

Impossible wish, right?

Then COVID happened.

In the 2.5 years since then, I have hardly had to go to work! I got a way better deal than I dreamed of.

Yesterday, I was going through that notebook where I had the goals listed.

The workplace goal had some interesting details in it —

  • The room should have two workstations
  • A comfortable work chair
  • A reading nook
  • Bookshelves to keep books
  • A place for my gaming equipment

And my current study has it all!

For my financial goal, I had a similarly pleasant experience. I finished my student loan within 18 months of setting that goal.

Once again, what seemed impossible when writing, became more than a reality.

Here’s What I Believe Has Worked For Me

I aimed high enough

Even though I hardly believed any of the goals would become possible, I still aimed for them.

By visualizing those goals, I created a desire. And my mind kept working towards that desire.

A life without a student loan? Work from wherever I want? A private space for myself? The more I thought about them, the more I wanted them.

And the doors kept opening!

I outlined a plan

For the student loan in particular. I remember going through different scenarios for days. I realized that if I could pay that off early, I would save on both interest payments & foreign exchange volatility.

Luckily for me, the stock market was crashing during that time. So, I put a bit of money there. Within 6 months, I got over 30% in return.

I took personal loans, shifted some funds, and went into super-budget mode.

I had a plan & I worked for that.

Even for the study, I knew my budget. But I didn’t compromise on the quality. Instead, I worked with multiple vendors to make it as cheap as possible.

I was patient

The work-from-home started 2 months after I set up the goals.

The study? After 1 year.

The student loan took 18 months.

Throughout this time, I was patient. I knew they will take some time to materialize.

For any lofty goal, we need to be careful about maintaining our expectations.

I prioritized — nothing else mattered

Paying off the student loan came with a list of sacrifices. I postponed many other expenses so that I could get rid of that burden.

Every goal needed my full attention. Thankfully, I could prioritize that over everything else.

Final Thoughts on Impossible Wish

The most important lesson for me was — there’s no harm in asking for something.

If we don’t ask for something, we don’t get it! It’s as simple as that.

The richest in the world didn’t become rich by accident. A novelist didn’t publish their books without wishing for it.

Let’s ask for what we want. Doors will open!

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