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10x Your Results by Integrating Mailchimp with Google Analytics

A Guide to Integrating Mailchimp with Google Analytics.

Mailchimp with google analytics - Mailchimp monkey on a desk
Photo by Phil Goodwin on Unsplash

Ready to up your email marketing game and make your Mailchimp campaigns shine?

Today, we’ll uncover how to harness the might of Google Analytics to measure, optimize, and downright dominate your email performance. Let’s do this!

The Dynamic Duo: Connecting Mailchimp with Google Analytics

First things first: let’s get Mailchimp and Google Analytics on speaking terms.

By integrating these two platforms, you’ll unlock a treasure trove of data to refine your email strategy.

Connect the platforms using the following steps —

  1. Log in to your Mailchimp account. Navigate to the “Integrations” page.
  2. Find the Google Analytics integration. Click “Connect.”
  3. Grant Mailchimp permission to access your Google Analytics account by clicking “Allow.”
  4. Choose the Google Analytics account & property you’d like to connect to Mailchimp. Click “Next” to proceed.
  5. Customize your tracking settings. Add Google Analytics tracking to a regular marketing email in Mailchimp. In the Settings & Tracking section, check the box titled “Google Analytics Link Tracking”

Voilà! Your Mailchimp account is now connected to Google Analytics.

From now on, you’ll be able to track email campaign performance and gain valuable insights to optimize your strategy.

UTM Parameters

To keep tabs on your email traffic, you’ll need to use UTM parameters.

These nifty tags help Google Analytics identify the source, medium, and campaign name of your email traffic, so you can distinguish it from other visitors.

Mailchimp automatically adds UTM parameters to your links, but you can customize them to fit your tracking needs.

Analyzing Acquisition

Once your Mailchimp campaigns are live, head to the Acquisition section in Google Analytics to see how they’re faring.

Check the Channels report for the “Email” category to uncover essential metrics like sessions, bounce rate, and conversions.

Set Your Goals

Want to track specific actions, like ebook downloads or webinar sign-ups?

Set up goals in Google Analytics to monitor conversions from your Mailchimp campaigns.

Revel in the satisfaction of watching your email efforts pay off.

Segmentation: Divide and Conquer

Dive deeper into your email data by creating custom segments in Google Analytics.

Group users based on factors like engagement level, geographic location, or device type to better understand your subscribers’ behavior and preferences.

Use these insights to craft targeted content and make your emails irresistible.

A/B Testing for the Win

Ready to find the perfect subject line, send time, or call to action?

Use Mailchimp’s A/B testing feature to experiment with different variables. And let Google Analytics be your judge.

Analyze the results to pinpoint the winning formula to watch your open & click-through rates soar.

Combining Forces

Email marketing doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

Use the Multi-Channel Funnels report in Google Analytics to see how your Mailchimp campaigns interact with other marketing channels, like social media or search.

Discover the combined impact of your efforts and optimize your overall marketing strategy.

The Final Countdown: Cohort Analysis

Last, but not least, let’s talk Cohort Analysis.

This advanced feature in Google Analytics helps you track the long-term impact of your Mailchimp campaigns on user behavior.

Monitor retention, revenue, and engagement over time to ensure your email marketing efforts keep your audience coming back for more.

Final Thoughts on Mailchimp with Google Analytics

And that’s a wrap! By combining the prowess of Mailchimp with Google Analytics, you’ll become an email marketing maestro in no time.

Now go conquer those inboxes!

Download 7 Proven Steps to Create A Perfect Routine and start with your 100-day challenge.